Project Description

Our works involved:

  • Environmental Measures – to ensure our works had no impact on the river we installed a water management system, which included an over pumping arrangement incorporating a temporary damming structure, upstream and downstream of the works area. Silt Traps were installed downstream of the works area to filter solids and prevent them from entering down-stream. Any spoil heaps of materials were covered with a tarpaulin to prevent run-off into the river during rain periods.
  • Site Clearance – to begin the reconstruction of the bridge we had to clear all debris arising from the flood. This included fallen trees, banks that had slid into the river and stone from the bridge itself. The stone was kept onsite to reuse in the re-building. We had to clear trees from the riverbank to install rock armour and existing fence lines/gates on both sides of the bridge had to be removed. All trees were shredded onsite and the chipping were put under existing trees nearby.
  • Reconstruction of bridge - our works firstly involved the underpinning of the abutment walls with concrete. Formwork was then constructed to tie in with the existing masonry arch and concrete with steel mesh was poured and left to cure. Upon removal of the formwork, building of the bridge began. This was constructed using the existing stone and tied back into the two existing ends. All stone was built in random sequence using lime mortar. We also had to power-wash, de-veg andsympathetically repoint existing stone walls with lime mortar. After the bridge was re-constructed, we prepared the road and laid tarmac.
  • Rock Revetment – On both sides of the bridge we constructed approx. 20m of rock revetment, 1.5m high to direct the water under the bridge arch and provide stability to the banking. Each stone was laid in semi-dry concrete and all joints filled.
  • River bed – we poured approx. 200m of concrete into the river to form a new river bed under the bridge and either side.
  • New Fencing/Gates – we installed new fencing along both sides of the river with stiles on either side.The fencing was constructed with wooden posts, sheep wire and two rows of barbed wire. Strainer posts were laid in concrete and two new Farmer gates installed.
  • Trees – new ash trees were planted where old ones had fallen down. These were laid 1m apart.
  • New Livestock Drinker – as a good will gesture to the farmer for allowing us to put our site office/canteen into his nearby field, we installed a new livestock drinker for him near our work site